George Zanias

Chairman of the BoD, Non-Executive Director Eurobank Holdings

Membership in Eurobank Holdings Committees

Other posts within the Eurobank Group

  • Chairman of the BoD, Eurobank SA
  • Membership in Eurobank Group Committees:
    • Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee – Member

Other current posts

  • Chairman of the BoD, Non-Executive Director Eurobank SA

  • Professor Emeritus of Economics at the Athens University of Economics and Business

  • Director of the BoD, IOBE-Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (since 2012)

  • Senior Member, St Antony’s Collerge, Oxford University

Memberships on other Boards

  • Chairman of the BoD, National Bank of Greece (2012-2015) and Member of the BoD (2010-2012)
  • Chairman of the BoD, Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) (2012-2015)
  • Chairman of the BoD, Piraeus Real Estate SA (November 2017-March 2019)
  • Chairman of the BoD, PICAR SA (February 2017 – March 2019)
  • Vice-Chairman of the BoD, Hellenic Bank Association (HBA) (since April 2019-October 2021)
  • Vice-Chairman of the BoD, ETVA Industrial Zones SA (October 2018-March 2019)
  • Director of the BoD, Hellenic Exchanges (2000-2001)
  • Director of the BoD, Geniki Bank (1996-1997)
  • Director of the BoD, Public Debt Management Office (2009-2012)
  • Director of the BoD, European Financial Stability Fund (2010-2012)
  • Director of the BoD, CHIPITA SA (June 2015 – March 2019)
  • Director of the BoD, American-Greek Chamber of Commerce (June 2019 – June 2022)

Other significant posts in the past

  • Minister of Finance, Government of Greece (May 2012-July 2012)
  • General Secretary, Ministry of Economy and Finance (2001-2004)
  • Chairman and Scientific Director, National Economic Institute (KEPE) (1998-2001)
  • Member of Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of Greece (May 2012-June 2012)
  • Member of the Board, European Banking Federation (2012-2015)
  • Member of the Institut International d’ Etudes Bancaires (2012-2015)
  • Governor, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (2003-2004)
  • Alternate Governor, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (2002-2004)
  • Member, European Securities Committee (2001-2002)

Former career milestones

  • Chairman of the BoD, Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece (2012-2015)
  • Vice-Chairman of the BoD, National Gallery (2012-2014)
  • Director of the BoD, Ouranis Literary Foundation (2012-2015)
  • Advisory Board Member, Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics (2012-2015)
  • Member of the Board of Patrons, European Association for Banking and Financial History (2013-2015)

Academic career

  • Professor Emeritus of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

In the past, Mr Zanias has taught in distinguished universities in Greece and abroad:

  • Professor of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business (1995-2022)
  • Chairman of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business (1996-1998, 2004-2008).
  • Associate Professor, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Agricultural Economics (1991-1995)
  • Assistant Professor at the University of Crete (1987-1991)
  • Lecturer at the University of Oxford (1983-1986) 


Mr Zanias has extensive research and scientific experience and has had articles published in books, collected works and international scientific journals. He has given presentations, lectures and speeches in various conferences and events.


  • PhD in Economics, Oxford University (1983)
  • MSc in Agricultural Economics, University of Reading (1980)
  • BSc in Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business (1978)

Place of birth

Orchomenos, Boeotia, Greece

George Zanias
Chairman of the BoD, Non-Executive Director Eurobank Holdings
End of Office Term: 2027