EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. announces that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Bank dated 3 April 2007 approved the share buy-back program for the acquisition of treasury shares through the Athens Stock Exchange in accordance with article 16 par. 5 of Company Law 2190/1920 under the following conditions:
- The Bank may acquire own shares within the next twelve months from the date of the General Meeting.
- The maximum number of own shares to be acquired corresponds to 5% of the total number of the Bank’s shares each time, including all own shares held by the Bank each time(i.e. with today’s figures the maximum number of own shares to be acquired amounts to 19,159,405).
- The maximum consideration of the above program amounts to € 730 m.
- The acquisition of the above own shares will take place at a maximum price of € 38.00 and a minimum price of € 6.00 per share. The maximum and the minimum acquisition price will be adjusted on the ex-right date for the issue of 2 new shares for every 10 held (as approved by the abovementioned Annual General Meeting) to € 31.67 and € 5.00 respectively.
Athens, April 4, 2007
EFG Eurobank Ergasias