Announcement pursuant to article 14 of L. 3556/2007 and article 7a (par. 6 case c) of L. 3864/2010, as in force
Eurobank Ergasias SA (“Eurobank”) announces, according to article 14 of L. 3556/2007 and article 7a (par. 6 case c) of L. 3864/2010, as in force, the following:
- Pursuant to the provisions of article 14 of L. 3556/2007 and based on the relevant notification that Eurobank received from the company “The Capital Group Companies, Inc.” (hereafter “CGC”), the percentage of Eurobank’s voting rights held indirectly by CGC exceeded on 04.10.2019 the threshold of 5% of the total number of Eurobank's voting rights, including those held by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (hereafter “HFSF”), and CGC’s percentage of voting rights in Eurobank’s share capital amounted to 5.1302%, corresponding to 190,289,209 voting rights of Eurobank’s ordinary shares.
- Pursuant to the provisions of article 7a (par. 6 case c) of L. 3864/2010 and based on the relevant notification that Eurobank received from CGC, the percentage of Eurobank’s voting rights held indirectly by CGC exceeded on 04.10.2019 the threshold of 5% of the total number of Eurobank's voting rights, excluding those held by the HFSF, and CGC’s percentage of voting rights in Eurobank’s share capital amounted to 5.2033%, corresponding to 190,289,209 voting rights of Eurobank’s ordinary shares.
The full chain of the companies through which the aforementioned voting rights are effectively held is outlined below:
Name | % of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold | % of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals of is higher that the notifiable threshold | Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold | |||
Pursuant to the provisions of article 14 of L. 3556/2007 | Pursuant to the provisions of article 7a (par. 6 case c) of L. 3864/2010 | Pursuant to the provisions of article 14 of L. 3556/2007 | Pursuant to the provisions of article 7a (par. 6 case c) of L. 3864/2010 | Pursuant to the provisions of article 14 of L. 3556/2007 | Pursuant to the provisions of article 7a (par. 6 case c) of L. 3864/2010 | |
The Capital Group Companies, lnc. | 5.1302% | 5.2033% | - | 5.1302% | 5.2033% | |
Capital Research and Management Company* | 5.1302% | 5.2033% | - | 5.1302% | 5.2033% |
* Subsidiary of “The Capital Group Companies, lnc.”
CGC is the parent company of Capital Research and Management Company (“CRMC”) and Capital Bank & Trust Company (“CB&T”). CRMC is a U.S.-based investment management company that serves as investment manager to the American Funds family of mutual funds, other pooled investment vehicles, as well as individual and institutional clients. CRMC and its investment manager affiliates manage equity assets for various investment companies through three divisions, Capital Research Global Investors, Capital International Investors and Capital World Investors. CRMC is the parent company of Capital Group International, lnc. (“CGII”), which in turn is the parent company of four investment management companies (“CGII management companies”): Capital International, lnc., Capital International Limited, Capital International Sàrl and Capital International Κ.Κ. CGII management companies and CB&T primarily serve as investment managers to institutional and high net worth clients. CB&Τ is a U.S.-based investment management company that is a registered investment adviser and an affiliated federally chartered bank.
Neither CGC nor any of its affiliates own shares of Eurobank Ergasias S.A. for its own account. Rather, the shares mentioned above are owned by accounts under the discretionary investment management of one or more of the investment management companies described above.