EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (the Bank) informs its shareholders that:
Following the resolution of the A’ Repeat Extraordinary General Meeting on 8.2.2011, the Bank sold, through the Athens Exchange, at the average price of €3.04 per share, the shares resulting from the fractional rights due to the merger of the Bank with DIAS Portfolio Investments S.A. (DIAS) by absorption of the latter by the former.
Beneficiaries of the proceeds from the above sale are shareholders of DIAS who were registered in the records of the Electronic (Dematerialized) Securities System (DSS) of the Hellenic Exchanges S.A. (H.E.L.E.X.) on June 2, 2011 (record date).
The proceeds from the sale will be distributed to the beneficiaries as follows:
A) The amount, corresponding to the shareholders who have appointed EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. as operator of their securities account in the DSS, will be deposited in their accounts on June 16, 2011.
B) The rest of the shareholders may collect the abovementioned amount, starting on June 16, 2011 as follows:
1. Through their respective operators in the DSS, or
2. Through any branch of the Bank, either in person or via their legal representative, by presenting their Identity Card as well as a printout of ISC (extract with the Investor Share Code Number in the DSS) and in the case of legal representation, the power of attorney of the beneficiary, with signature certified by a Public Authority.
For further information, shareholders are requested to contact the Bank’s Investors Information Services Division at 8, Iolkou Str. and Filikis Etaireias (Building A), 142 34 Nea Ionia (tel. +30 210-3523300), during working days and hours.